Our KVA founders had the right of it when they structured the cooperative 37 years ago so that it could adapt to the times and continue to support new generations of artists. Like a multi-generational family business, combining the experience of senior members with new ideas and energy of newer members, allows the cooperative to remain engaged in an ever-changing world.
First announcement: We are growing our email list. As an incentive, we are continuing our monthly drawing for a piece of art made and donated by one of our member artists. All new subscribers to our monthly email list will automatically be entered in the raffle. Join Our Email List.
Second announcement: We have started a blog! This will allow us to focus more on content rather than the layout of a newsletter. We will continue to send monthly emails with announcements and links to more in-depth articles and stories, just like before.
Third announcement: We have a presence on Instagram. Follow us here for a visual feast of art made by our Big Island artists.
Fourth announcement: We are upping our presence on Facebook. Previews of the newest art in our gallery. Insights into what we are making and how we make it.
Fifth announcement: We are seeking a few more artists to
join our cooperative.
If you are or know of an artist on the Big Island of Hawaii, come and meet us and see if you are a good fit for our cooperative.
All Rights Reserved | Kailua Village Artists, Inc.